Tadalafil (tadalafil) at 5 mg may have the following side effects:

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1. Common side effects


Tadalafil (tadalafil) at 5 mg may have the following side effects:

-it's usually mild to moderate discomfort. It can occur on the front or on the entire skull and, in some cases, can be resolved by itself over time.

Back pain

-it manifests as a feeling of discomfort or pain in the lumbar or dorsal region.


-it may include sensations of fullness, heartburn, mild nausea or burping.

Rhinitis (nasal congestion)

-causes a sensation of nasal obstruction or congestion, which can affect normal nasal breathing.

Slightly elevated arterial hypertension

-in some patients, a slight increase in blood pressure may be observed. This should be monitored, as in rare cases it may have more serious implications if not properly controlled.

2. Less common side effects

Blurred vision or changes in vision

-although rare, some patients may experience decreased visual acuity, blurred vision, or changes in color perception.

Heart palpitations

-you feel irregular or accelerated heartbeat. This may be disturbing for the patient and should be evaluated if it persists or is accompanied by other symptoms.

Oedema (swelling)

-it may occur on the feet, ankles, or legs, causing a feeling of swelling and stiffness in the lower limbs.

It is important to note that not all patients will experience these side effects, and most of them are mild and transient. In addition, a doctor should be consulted before taking tadalafil to evaluate possible interactions with other medicines and determine whether it is appropriate for the individual health of the patient.

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